All right everyone - the moment we've all been waiting for is just about here. Just a few lines of text farther down the page...
Once I got back into town from my trip and got some rest, it was back to the action.
Day 13 is actually more like two days worth of time, but most of it was spent waiting around for my final flat coats to dry. I also had some problems getting the exact finish I wanted. I'm always jealous of people who say they've used a dullcoat for years and never had any problem because I have nothing BUT problems. I almost feel like they must be lying...
I'd been recently using some flat spray from the fine people of Model Master by way of Testors. It was pretty much perfect until I hit the end of this project. Then, all of a sudden, I couldn't get it to do anything besides various levels if satin. I tried other models and still no improvement. This, literally, happens to me all the time and as much as I'd like to blame fickle humidity, my experience overall doesn't bear this out.
I got it worked out in the end, so no worries there. And I also go an opportunity to do some testing of a new (to me) product as a part of this whole side track. It didn't go well. All I can say is stay the hell away from the Model Master Acryl Clear flat. Unless you like ruining your paint job. Thankfully, I always test new top coats on scraps.
Once all that was over with it was on to the final weathering. I finished all the silver chipping (again, after the flat seal) and then gave the smoke stacks a touch more soot.